Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy 65th Independence-What's so Happy about it ?

I never celebrated Independence day.
coz I never needed to tell my Mother of How Much I love her !
Happy Birthday Ma ♥

It's the 65th Independence Day of our Mother Nation !
 65th ! to be Specific.
but-What really has changed in all these 65 years ?
Apart from the Fact that slums have been turned into buildings.
Trees have been cut down for roads.
 The so called high-society spends money enough to show their status while the Poor still look forward for some help.
The women who died earlier by the availability of less hospitals while giving birth now die more because of "honour-killing" or Dowry !
 THINK about it as you celebrate the CHANGE !
for some changes shoudn't be just in MINDS !


Thursday, July 19, 2012


India is a country known for its culture & ethics,but sadly after this incident at Guwahati-my head goes down with shame !

   I am sad.
I was born in a sex-deprieved country-where Men end up being "Tharkis".
and 20-Men Molesting a Girl.

What has happened to the Men in India ? I know the sex ratio per Man to Women is less but that doesn't mean you would end up doing things this disgraceful.
 I'm sure it didn't involve any one of your family-leading to such "enjoyment".

 Indian Women have come up greatly owing to the "Men-Ruled" society before..but I guess nothing has really changed even after Independence,if things like these keep taking place.

 I don't know what the Men were doing apart from the ones molesting the Girl,seems like they were all out buying bangles for themselves to suit them right.
 Friends,all I'm trying to say- It can be your Mother-Sister -Just think before you do ANYTHING !.

and to the Women-Girls out there-Take care-Be Safe,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jai-Kant Shikrey Wins-Gunda Raj Begins.

Yeah,The Elections just got Over.
 The Elections consisted of people that had 37% Percent of Criminal Background people participating and 41% others participating were millionaires !

The Results were declared an SP,came out as winners,if you don't know what SP is you've surely not known Uttar Pradesh !

 Just after the results were out,in Sitapur a small village was set on FIRE by the SP Party People as per their celebrations and most importantly for the poor villagers didn't vote for them !

Great excuse right ? to Hit people,burn thier Houses and make a a few of 'em orphans aswell !

If you WIN elections ? does it make you GOD ? that you can do anything you want with the people ?

POWER & MONEY go hand-in hand in INDIA and No one can deny it !

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our Help to "Terrorists"

I was sitting with Friends at one of the very famous malls in Lucknow,called "Waves".

I noticed a Group of students trying to make something on their Laps due to the availability of Wifi.

The technology is not always a Boon.

For I read of the newspapers,a couple of days back.

A terrorist sent an Email from a Cyber cafe and now could not be traced.

How,easy it is for a Terrorist to just walk into some wifi enabled place...write an Email and then just go away.

Isn't it ?

Wifi availability is good,that placed now provide the availability of Wifi to its customers,but I guess the availability should be limited to people who have access to the  Wifi.

People can just go and ask for the key of the Wifi connection,and when granted they can use Wifi.

The Password or key should be changed at regular intervals.

This can be a way of stopping such things to happen from a Wifi enabled places.


Monday, August 29, 2011


The old man,did it for us. The movement that raged the whole of india into "one country" and "one nation". It was after 1947,India saw a movement like this...! Followed by Gandhi ji's "Satyagrah" movement...was Ana who fasted for 12 days for the country. and the man himself smiled and said "If I were to fast I could n't have done it for even a day,but it involved the people of india hence,he was able to do it for 12 days". Its not just the win of ANNNa and his principles but for the common man aswell. We have to wait & watch for the government to puts his plans to actions. The Race is half-won,there's still a lot to go !! VANDE MATRAM.

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